La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da Brian_di_Nazareth » 13/02/2016, 15:42

Il sindaco di Phila sul caso McCoy:

The mayor said that he has seen some of the video. "In addition to punches being thrown, there were some kicks that looked as if they were being leveled and that’s unconscionable and it’s cowardly," Kenney said. Kenney has talked to the police commissioner and is waiting for the district attorney’s office to issue possible arrest warrants for McCoy and three of his friends also alleged to have been involved in the fight. "If [McCoy] wants to stomp our officers and pound our officers, then he needs to pay the price and answer for his actions," Kenney said. However, it is not a quick process coupled with the extra scrutiny.

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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da David Ginola 14 » 13/02/2016, 18:52

Un vero e proprio coglione..

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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da joesox » 16/02/2016, 22:21

Quando si dice: Meritati!
Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost (Jefferson)

Republicans declared the Capitol attack on Jan. 6 to be "legitimate political discourse"

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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da Dead Man » 23/02/2016, 22:42

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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da Bada92 » 24/02/2016, 9:17

Ma noo...czzarola i Jags non si meritano sti problemi...avesse almeno giocato...

Comunque alla fine non sembra aver fatto niente di grave lui in se...cioè non le ha costrette o roba simile...alla fine potrebbe anche cavarsela con poco, oltretutto nell'articolo si dice che abbia informato ben prima dell'uscita del video i Jags che hanno provveduto subito...spero non si riveli troppo grave...

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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da Brian_di_Nazareth » 27/07/2016, 12:39

Riporto in auge IL topic dell'estate :forza:

- Bradham è accusato per aver preso a pugni un inserviente nel suo albergo in vacanza;
- Gregory continua la tradizione di DE dei Cowboys da coro della parrocchia, facendosi ribeccare dopato: sembra sia in arrivo una squalifica annuale;
- di Le'veon Bell s'è già parlato: come Moggi, ha confuso la sim svizzera con quella americana e non s'è presentato a una serie di controlli antidoping. :icon_paper:

Scagionato Peytonio per il presunto doping, ci sono voci di indagini (non ancora da parte dell'NFL) su Peppers e Clay Matthews.

Al prossimo bollettino :forza:

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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da rowiz » 27/07/2016, 12:53

Brian_di_Nazareth ha scritto: Scagionato Peytonio per il presunto doping, ci sono voci di indagini (non ancora da parte dell'NFL) su Peppers e Clay Matthews.

Mi pare ci sia anche James Harrison nella lista
darioambro ha scritto:ahahah ro, tu sei davvero l'altra palla che vorrei avere :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

darioambro ha scritto:rowiz direbbe che sono un coglione :biggrin:

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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da Brian_di_Nazareth » 27/07/2016, 14:24

Mi correggo: Bradham è proprio stato arrestato :dohut0:

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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da Brian_di_Nazareth » 30/08/2016, 15:42

Former Oregon TE Colt Lyerla was arrested for heroin possession Sunday.

Super sleeper per i fanta di un paio di anni fa.
Matto da legare ma con talento.

Sic transit gloria mundi.

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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da azazel » 30/08/2016, 16:48

Freak atletico pazzesco, in quella Oregon ero pronto a scommettere che sarebbe stato uno dei pochi a non subire il salto college-pro, avevo sottovalutate le droghe, peccato.

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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da Brian_di_Nazareth » 23/09/2016, 15:06

La sera leoni, la mattina ......oni! :icon_paper:

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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da Buccaneer » 23/09/2016, 18:44

Ma porc..... :shocking:
"Se avevi bisogno di una yarda, Mike te ne dava due. Se avevi bisogno di vincere una partita, Mike era l'uomo giusto per te..."


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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da joesox » 12/11/2016, 2:12

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell is concerned that comments made by President-elect Donald Trump about women will only make the league’s attempts to curtail domestic violence more difficult.

“It makes my job harder at home too,” Goodell said. “I have twin daughters and a wife so I have to explain that to them. So yes, on that front. Does it make it harder publicly? Listen, I think our country has to have more respect for one another, and we have to unite.”

But it’s real. Roger Goodell. The soulless, charisma-free, dry-mouthed, animatronic drone who’s enabled a Pro Bowl roster’s worth of savage, sadistic, wife beating cowards, claims he’s worried about how to explain Donald Trump’s language to the ladies in the Goodell household.

But honest to God, Roger Goodell is worried about the message Trump sends? Goodell. Our Goodell. The man who is basically an unindicted co-conspirator in the reigns of terror unleashed upon actual women by Terrell Suggs, Ray Rice, Greg Hardy and Josh Brown. The man who has a policy that says any act of domestic violence in the NFL is punishable with a six game suspension that he has never once enacted. Not only that, but who went to federal court to the tune of millions in legal fees just to uphold a rule that says he can do whatever the hell he damn well wants to do and is answerable to no one. Nevertheless, when Brown was terrorizing his wife and step sons and they had to be taken to a panic room by NFL security at the Pro Bowl hotel, The CommissionerBot gave him one lousy game. One. But The Donald once used the P-word to Billy Bush inside a bus and he’s in a panic about the damage it’s going to do to HIS ability to stem violence against women like he’s some kind of anti-domestic violence crusader. Unbelievable.

My only question now is, where do I go to protest against Goodell? #NotMyCommissioner

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Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost (Jefferson)

Republicans declared the Capitol attack on Jan. 6 to be "legitimate political discourse"

Masataka era il suo nome (Ender Wiggin)


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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da joesox » 02/12/2016, 0:49

In 1999 Garrison Hearst broke his ankle.
In 2000 Barry Sanders retired before the season and Dorsey Levens injured his knee.
In 2001 Eddie George bobbled a pass that was then intercepted in the playoffs. He was injured in 2002.
In 2002 Daunte Culpepper injured his knee.
In 2003 Marshall Faulk injured his ankle, never rushed for 1000yds again.
In 2004 Michael Vick broke his fibula.
In 2005 Ray Lewis broke his wrist.
In 2006 Donovan McNabb developed a sports hernia.
In 2007 Shaun Alexander fractured his foot.
In 2008 Vince Young career went south.
In 2010 Troy Polamalu AND Larry Fitzgerald (in the playoffs) got injured.
In 2011 Drew Brees’ Saints were upset by Seattle. Peyton Hillis.
In 2012 Calvin Johnson, soon he retired.
In 2014 Richard Sherman lost the SB.
In 2016 Gronkowski suffered season ending injury.

Chi apparirà sulla cover di Madden nel 2017?
Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost (Jefferson)

Republicans declared the Capitol attack on Jan. 6 to be "legitimate political discourse"

Masataka era il suo nome (Ender Wiggin)


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Re: La pericolosa vita del giocatore NFL: Goodell non ci avrai!

Messaggio da Brian_di_Nazareth » 02/12/2016, 1:12

Io voto per Prescott e Eliott


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